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September 5, 8, 11 : Book Wrapping Event

One of BLSJCL's annual fundraising event, the Book Wrapping Event is when JCL officers cover textbooks for other students. The prices are very cheap, and the quality of the bookcovers are very strong and durable!













September 24 : Extracurricular Fair Display

BLSJCL had a poster for display at the school's extracurricular fair. Check out the photos below and make sure to sign up for JCL and pay the dues in case you forgot to visit us at the EC fair!














October 2 : First General Meeting

BLSJCL's First General Meeting was on October 2. We had a lot of people come! We mostly went over the benefits and fun stuff that happen if you join JCL. In order to be part of JCL, you need to fill out a membership form.













October 11: Folguelian Hercules Tour

A couple JCLers had a lot of fun in the first Folguelian Tour. Led by Magistrae Foley et Moguel, the group of JCLers relived several of Hercules' labors and attempted to find them in a scavenger hunt around much of Boston.


October 24: Pumpkin Decorating Event

BLSJCL held its first pumpkin decorating event, the day before Kickoff! Everyone had a blast designing and painting their pumpkins with classical themes. Winners were awarded several cool prizes.


October 31: Halloween Classics-Themed Costumes

As suggested by Anna Aldins (IV), BLSJCL took BLS by storm with their Classics-Themed costumes. Several students took part by adorning costumes that gave them the semblances of the mighty Olympians and mythological heroes. 















December 17: BLSJCL Annual Bake Sale

BLSJCL has an annual bake sale fundraiser. This year, we raised over a hundred dollars! December 17 is also the Roman holiday Saturnalia, and Ms. Foley's birthday!


March 27: Lupercalia

On March 27, BLSJCL had its second general meeting and its first Lupercalia. In ancient Rome, Lupercalia was a festival to purify the city and encourage fertility. BLSJCL celebrated its own Lupercalia by having an array of fun activities, from Graphic Arts workshops to dice games. Over 50 people attended, making this event a true success!

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